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Carr Allison Medicare Compliance Attorney Spotlight: Meggie Krombach

This month we are featuring Medicare Compliance attorney and shareholder Meggie Krombach. Clients love working with Meggie and so do we!

What are you most excited about this year?

This one is easy! My husband and I are about to welcome a baby boy in the next few weeks and I am so excited for those newborn baby snuggles. I currently have a 3 year old daughter and a 1 ½ year old son and I can’t wait to see how the new little guy integrates with our family.

What are some positives that came out of 2020 for you?

2020 was such a strange year, but I think it gave a lot of people, including myself, the opportunity to slow down a bit. I am a homebody at heart, so part of me enjoyed having less pressure to get out and do things all the time. Of course, I missed the social interaction, but I also tried to take advantage of spending more unscheduled time with my husband and kids. I also loved getting to work next to my two dogs, Darla and Dolly. Listening to their snoring all day every day is surprisingly therapeutic!

What is your favorite trip that you have taken?

My favorite trip was definitely going to Maui for our honeymoon. Hawaii was even more beautiful than I imagined. Beyond that, however, it was the first (and last) time in my adult life that I truly checked out for days at a time. Being totally checked out in such a beautiful place was magical. I hope to do it again once we hit 10 years!


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