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Good News Regarding CMS Approvals of MSAs

As you know, CMS approval turnaround times have varied significantly over the years. You may remember the days of waiting months for a CMS decision on a given case. Fortunately, CMS appears to be in a much better place when it comes to reviewing Medicare Set-aside proposals. In fact, the average turnaround time in recent months has decreased to just a few weeks or less after submission! Of course, should CMS require additional documents to complete its review of the MSA proposal, the timeframe for review will be extended.

Not only has CMS been quick to review standard MSA proposals, but we have also seen incredibly fast review times when it comes to CMS review of zero MSAs as well. In a case involving a zero MSA on a denied claim basis that was submitted over the recent holiday season, CMS issued its approval of our zero MSA in only ten days!

While the CMS requirements for submission can certainly seem tedious at times, ultimately, providing all documentation up front will result in a much faster review process. Given these quick turnaround times, now is a great time to submit those MSA proposals and settle your claims!


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