Carr Allison Medicare Compliance Attorney Spotlight: Amber Parris

This month we are featuring Amber Parris in our attorney spotlight. We're excited to share more about her with you.
Any fun plans for the summer?
My husband, John, and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this July and heading to Cape Cod for a few days – a first visit for both of us! We married after my first year of law school and I have to say that planning a wedding while taking first year classes was not my smartest move!
Pets? If so, what kind?
We have a five year old miniature goldendoodle named Cooper and adopted a “pandemic puppy,” our now one year old standard goldendoodle named Winne. John and I are definitely “crazy dog people” and spoil them absolutely rotten.
I am one of those people who likes to both cook and bake. Whenever I have time or a special occasion I love to try a new recipe. I hosted a Covid-pod Christmas this past year and almost everything on the menu was a first time try – my version of living dangerously! Most things worked, but the Yorkshire pudding was a major flop! (Any tips?)